Current research projects

Image Reducing the filling quantity
Image In-situ investigation concerning the swelling behaviour of polymer materials under elevated pressures and temperatures
Image High temperature heat pump
Image Helium extraction from natural gas
Image Preformance measurements of heat exchangers
Image Service offer for Leak Detection and Tightness Test
Image Panel with indirect evaporative cooling via membrane
Image Verification of storage suitability of cryo tubes
Image Air-flow test rig for fan characteristic measurement
Image Brine (water)-water heat pump
Image Swirl-free on the move...
Image Innovative Parahydrogen Generator Based on Magnets
Image Software for test rigs
Image Filter Tests
Image Performance tests of refrigerant compressors
Image Refrigerants, lubricants and mixtures

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Apparatur und Verfahren zur Degradationsprüfung

Holger Reinsch


Auslegung von Prüfverfahren für biologisch abbaubare Medizinprodukte

Your Request

Further Projects


Software modules

Software for properties of refrigerants


Verification of storage suitability of cryo tubes

Artificial aging of primary packaging for biobanking applications


Preformance measurements of heat exchangers

Is the heat exchanger properly sized?


Innovative small helium liquefier

Liquefaction rates from 10 to 15 l/h


Filter Tests