Current research projects

Image Preformance measurements of heat exchangers
Image Software modules
Image Thermostatic Expansion Valves
Image Swirl-free on the move...
Image Laseroptical measurement
Image Characterisation of Superconductors in Hydrogen Atmosphere
Image Multifunctional electronic modules for cryogenic applications
Image Influenced melting point of water by magnetic field
Image Tribological investigations of oil-refrigerant-material-systems
Image Software for test rigs
Image Cryogenic liquid piston pumps for cold liquefied gases like LIN, LOX, LHe, LH2, LNG, LAr
Image High temperature heat pump
Image Brine (water)-water heat pump
Image Helium extraction from natural gas
Image Calibration of Low Temperature Sensors
Image Cryostats, Non-Metallic and Metallic

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Chemische Wasserbinder/Enteiser für Kältekreisläufe - CheWa


Dr. rer. nat. Torsten Burkholz


in Bearbeitung

Energetisch und Bauteiloptimierte Kältekreisläufe kleiner Leistung

Your Request

Further Projects


Investigation of materials

Investigations regarding the compatibility of materials with refrigerants, oils and heat transfer fluids


Non- invasive flow measurements

PDPA - flow fields and particle sizes


Computational fluid dynamics CFD

Scientific analysis of flows