Current research projects

Image Air-water heat pumps
Image Development of a Cryogenic Magnetic Air Separation Unit
Image 3D - Air flow sensor
Image Cold meter
Image Pulse-Tube-Refrigerator with sealed compressor
Image Cool Up
Image Helium extraction from natural gas
Image Measurements on ceiling mounted cooling systems
Image Cryostats, Non-Metallic and Metallic
Image Swirl-free on the move...
Image Electrochemical decontamination of electrically conducting surfaces „EDeKo II“
Image Innovative small helium liquefier
Image State of system and failure analyses
Image Measurement of insulated packaging
Image Innovative cryogenic cooling system for the recondensation / liquefaction of technical gases up to 77 K
Image Preformance measurements of heat exchangers

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Kälte-Erzeugung und Kältespeicherung

INNO-KOM Vorlaufforschung (BMWi)

04/2021 - 08/2023

Dr. P. Röllig


in Bearbeitung

mit Nutzung der Lösungsenthalpie von Salz

Your Request

Further Projects


Brine (water)-water heat pump

Test according DIN EN 14511 and 14825


High temperature heat pump

Using waste heat from industrial processes


Air-water heat pumps

Test according DIN EN 14511 and 14825


Micro heat exchangers in refrigeration

3D-printing of micro heat exchangers


Electrochemical decontamination of electrically conducting surfaces „EDeKo II“

Improvement of sanitary prevention by electrochemical decontamination