Current research projects

Image All-in-one device for freeze-drying and production of biomaterial
Image Innovative small helium liquefier
Image In-situ investigation concerning the swelling behaviour of polymer materials under elevated pressures and temperatures
Image Intelligent innovative power supply for superconducting coils
Image Software modules
Image Electrical components in refrigeration circuits
Image Thermal engines
Image Cryostats, Non-Metallic and Metallic
Image Measurement of insulated packaging
Image Helium extraction from natural gas
Image High Capacity Pulse Tube Cooler
Image Cryogenic liquid piston pumps for cold liquefied gases like LIN, LOX, LHe, LH2, LNG, LAr
Image Performance tests of refrigerant compressors
Image Innovative Manufacturing Technologies for Cryosorption Systems
Image Measurements on ceiling mounted cooling systems
Image Hydrogen and methane testing field at the ILK

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Kälte-Erzeugung und Kältespeicherung

INNO-KOM Vorlaufforschung (BMWi)

04/2021 - 08/2023

Dr. P. Röllig


in Bearbeitung

mit Nutzung der Lösungsenthalpie von Salz

Your Request

Further Projects


Mass Spectrometer

Determining the composition of gas mixtures in the high or ultra-high vacuum range


Tensile and compression testing

Determination of yield strength, tensile strength and elongation at break


Investigation of material-dependent parameters

Investigation of the permeation behavior


Cool Up

Upscaling Sustainable Cooling


Ionocaloric cooling

Ionocaloric solid-liquid phase cooling process