Current research projects

Image Cold meter
Image Certifiable connection types in cryogenics
Image Air-water heat pumps
Image Testzentrum PLWP at ILK Dresden
Image Multifunctional electronic modules for cryogenic applications
Image Influenced melting point of water by magnetic field
Image Verification of storage suitability of cryo tubes
Image Investigation of coolants
Image Pulse-Tube-Refrigerator with sealed compressor
Image Development of test methods and test rigs for stationary integrated refrigeration units
Image Micro fluidic expansion valve
Image Testing of mobile leak detectors according to DIN EN 14624
Image Non- invasive flow measurements
Image Investigation of materials
Image Cryogenic liquid piston pumps for cold liquefied gases like LIN, LOX, LHe, LH2, LNG, LAr
Image 3D - Air flow sensor

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Numerische und Experimentelle Untersuchung zum Gefährdungspotential durch SARS-CoV-2 in klimatisierten Räumen


01/2021 - 12/2023

PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Matthias H. Buschmann


Your Request

Further Projects


Humidifier System for High-Purity Gases

Nafion - moisture transfer


Behavior of multiphase cryogenic fluids

experimental und numerical investigations


Innovative Parahydrogen Generator Based on Magnets

Magnetic Gas Separation of the Hydrogen Isomers


Innovative cryogenic cooling system for the recondensation / liquefaction of technical gases up to 77 K

high performance efficiency, environmental friendliness, compactness, cost-effectiveness