Current research projects

Image Testzentrum PLWP at ILK Dresden
Image Corrosion inhibitor for ammonia absorption systems
Image Cool Up
Image Reducing the filling quantity
Image Low temperature – test facilities
Image Helium extraction from natural gas
Image Software for technical building equipment
Image Mass Spectrometer
Image Influenced melting point of water by magnetic field
Image Development of a Cryogenic Magnetic Air Separation Unit
Image Cryogenic liquid piston pumps for cold liquefied gases like LIN, LOX, LHe, LH2, LNG, LAr
Image Computational fluid dynamics CFD
Image Testing of mobile leak detectors according to DIN EN 14624
Image Modular storage system for solar cooling
Image Hydrogen and methane testing field at the ILK
Image Software modules

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Reduzierung der Expansionsverluste von Kälteanlagen

BMWi Euronorm Innokom Ost (Vorlaufforschung)


Karl Steinjan



Untersuchung von Expansionsmachinen

Your Request

Further Projects



Refining of fuel cell waste heat


Reducing the filling quantity

How much refrigerant must be filled?


Performance tests of condensing units

Does your condensing unit perform well?


State of system and failure analyses

Cause of the failure unknown?