Current research projects

Image Cryogenic liquid piston pumps for cold liquefied gases like LIN, LOX, LHe, LH2, LNG, LAr
Image Energy efficiency consulting - cogeneration systems
Image Modular storage system for solar cooling
Image 3D - Air flow sensor
Image Certification of efficient air conditioning and ventilation systems through the new "indoor air quality seal" for non-residential buildings
Image Innovative cryogenic cooling system for the recondensation / liquefaction of technical gases up to 77 K
Image Swirl-free on the move...
Image High temperature heat pump
Image Reducing the filling quantity
Image Micro fluidic expansion valve
Image Testzentrum PLWP at ILK Dresden
Image Hybrid- Fluid for CO2-Sublimation Cycle
Image Development of test methods and test rigs for stationary integrated refrigeration units
Image Calibration leak for the water bath leak test
Image Range of services laboratory analyses
Image Air-water heat pumps

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Thermische Kälteerzeugung / Absorptionskältetechnik

Lutz Richter


Kraft-Wärme-Kälte-Kopplung, Fernwärme, Solarthermie oder Abwärme zur Kälteerzeugung

Your Request

Further Projects


Mass Spectrometer

Determining the composition of gas mixtures in the high or ultra-high vacuum range


Tensile and compression testing

Determination of yield strength, tensile strength and elongation at break


Investigation of material-dependent parameters

Investigation of the permeation behavior


Cool Up

Upscaling Sustainable Cooling


Ionocaloric cooling

Ionocaloric solid-liquid phase cooling process