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Welcome to the Center of Cryo Competence in Life Sciences.

For more than 30 years, scientists and technicians at the institute for air handling and refrigeration in Dresden have dealt with problems in medicine, biology and pharmacy. The enormous expertise in the field of applied life sciences is now bundled together at the cryo competence center in life sciences.

Cryogenics and refrigeration

Due to our Interdisciplinary work at the interface to the applied cryo- and refrigeration technology we are able to perform hardware development in the fields of freezing and medical cold applications according to your wishes - from the very first sketch to prototype construction

Cell biology | Medicine | Pharmacy

Our powerful life science team of highly motivated biologists, physicists und biological process engineers is on hand to help and advise you as competent R&D-partner in biological, medical and pharmaceutical research, biomaterial development, regenerative medicine and cryomedicine, cell- and tissue cryopreservation and cryobanking.

Testing and verifying

Our ISO 9001 certified labs offer a wide methodical range of analytical services – from chemical, physical, thermal, mechanical und biological testings to packaging test, transport and shelf life tests, in vitro tests for evaluation of medical products cell- and tissue cultures to particle analysis in fibrous suspensions or histological preparation of difficult materials.

We are your R&D service provider for problems in the fields of applied life sciences. Wherever help is needed – place your trust in us.


3 results found


All-in-one device for freeze-drying and production of biomaterial

with automated freezing and sterilisation option


Verification of storage suitability of cryo tubes

Artificial aging of primary packaging for biobanking applications