Current research projects

Image Thermostatic Expansion Valves
Image IO-Scan - Integral measuring optical scanning method
Image Cold meter
Image Thermal engines
Image Test procedures for electrical components
Image Filter Tests
Image Practical training, diploma, master, bachelor
Image In-Situ-Swelling Behaviour of Polymer Materials in Flammable Fluids
Image In-situ investigation concerning the swelling behaviour of polymer materials under elevated pressures and temperatures
Image Ionocaloric cooling
Image Low temperature – test facilities
Image Industry 4.0 membrane heat and mass exchanger (i-MWÜ4.0)
Image Innovative cryogenic cooling system for the recondensation / liquefaction of technical gases up to 77 K
Image Ice Slurry Generation
Image Testing of mobile leak detectors according to DIN EN 14624
Image Innovative Parahydrogen Generator Based on Magnets

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Entwicklung und Erprobung des Einsatzes von Phasenwechselmaterialien an WEMS (Window Energy Management Systems)

Sächsische Aufbaubank


Dr. Jörg Waschull



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